Sayan Chakraborty – GC Powerlist
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India 2024

Energy and utilities

Sayan Chakraborty

General counsel India | Zelestra


India 2024

Recommended Individual

Sayan Chakraborty

General counsel India | Zelestra

Based on your experience, what is the key to collaborating successfully with business partners?

Response: In my view, successful collaboration with business partners hinges on building their confidence in the legal team as a supportive enabler rather than an obstacle. The legal team should serve as a vital resource, offering valuable insights and solutions to the challenges that business teams may not anticipate.

It’s crucial to approach issues not only by identifying potential problems but also by presenting constructive solutions. This proactive mindset fosters a collaborative environment where the legal team is seen as a partner in achieving business objectives, ultimately enhancing overall performance and innovation.

How do you motivate and manage the other members of your legal team well?

I firmly believe that a leader is only as strong as his team. A happy and motivated team yields fantastic results and significantly contributes to the organisation’s growth. To foster this environment, my approach centers on avoiding micromanagement. I prefer to give individuals the autonomy to complete their tasks, stepping in only to review critical aspects or offer guidance when needed.

Once a project is completed, I encourage the team to share documents and information directly, enhancing visibility and fostering a sense of belonging. I also emphasise that any errors made by team members are collective responsibilities—not solely the fault of any individual. This approach cultivates a sense of security and ownership over their work, ultimately empowering the team to perform at their best.

What is a cause, business-related or otherwise, that you are passionate about, and why?

I am deeply committed to the decarbonisation of our planet, a motto that is strongly followed and believed by every employee at Zelestra. Also, I am driven by the belief that we owe it to future generations to leave behind a healthier, more sustainable world. My dedication extends beyond awareness; I actively seek out avenues to reduce my carbon footprint in daily life. From embracing renewable energy solutions and making mindful choices in consumption and waste reduction, I aim to incorporate eco-friendly practices into my routine. I believe that every small action contributes to a larger movement towards sustainability.

By sharing knowledge and inspiring others to join this journey, I hope to foster a collective effort in creating a greener future. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that the world we leave behind is one of opportunity and health for generations to come.

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