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India Teams 2017

Industrials and real estate

RPG Enterprises

| RPG Enterprises


India Teams 2017


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RPG Enterprises


Comprised of fifteen companies operating in the areas of infrastructure, tyres, technology and other specialties, the Mumbai headquartered RPG Enterprises is one of the largest Indian industrial conglomerates. Providing legal support to the full scope of the group’s activities, RPG’s legal department deals routinely with complex legislative issues. The team’s expertise in litigation has been its main distinguishing feature, with sources praising its ability to support ‘all levels of the litigation process’ to impact the wider company. The function is led by esteemed lawyer HN Singh Rajpoot, who assumed his current role after spending over eleven years at the helm of CEAT Limited, a flagship company within RPG and one of India’s leading tyre manufacturers. Other impressive lawyers within the team include legal manager Prasanta Kumar Dey, who has been with the business for over 38 years and Ijum Dirchim- an up and coming rising star who served as an assistant manager at RPG and its flagship company KEC International.

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