Helen Dooley – GC Powerlist
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Ireland 2015


Helen Dooley

Group General Counsel | AIB Corporate Banking


Ireland 2015


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Helen Dooley

Group General Counsel | AIB Corporate Banking

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Helen Dooley - Ireland 2019

Group general counsel | Allied Irish Banks (AIB)

Helen Dooley, group general counsel at AIB leads one of the largest in-house legal teams in the country at around 134 lawyers. AIB is a major Irish consumer and commercial...

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Helen Dooley - Ireland 2017

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Founded in 1966, AIB is a financial services group that operates primarily in the Republic of Ireland and the UK. Group general counsel for the company since 2012, Helen Dooley...

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A seasoned in-house lawyer, Helen stands apart from her peers in her capacity to build exceptional in-house functions, according to sources. Managing around 150 lawyers at the Ireland Big Four institution, AIB, Dooley is credited with the design and implementation of its high-power legal offering. She takes a lead role AIB’s strategic planning and decision-making. In her former role as founding legal head of EBS, the nation’s largest building society, Dooley established its full-service team from scratch. A city-qualified lawyer, she has also practised in Hong Kong, working across corporate banking and insolvency.

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