Hugh Hannigan – GC Powerlist
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Ireland 2015

Hugh Hannigan

Editorial Legal Counsel | News UK & Ireland


Ireland 2015

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Hugh Hannigan

Editorial Legal Counsel | News UK & Ireland


‘One principle challenge is to effectively engage with journalists and editorial staff to ensure their hard work translates into published content’, Hugh Hannigan says. ‘It’s a very stimulating role, and I don’t think I’ve ever looked at my watch’. Supporting approximately 80 journalists across the Sunday Times, Irish Sun and Sun on Sunday, Hannigan oversees all content and commercial issues for the leading Irish titles. As Matheson’s former media head, Hannigan previously handled all legal work for the news agency, making the transition, to a degree, ‘seamless’, he says. During his time in the role he has revamped the function’s reporting structure, and worked to promote greater involvement with business. He has also introduced regular training sessions throughout the year, to raise awareness of when issues can occur. ‘I’ve been trying to develop the relationship between legal and journalists and editorial staff so that we help resolve any issues at an early stage’, Hannigan says. ‘Creating as risk-free an environment as possible for content publication purposes is a challenge. I guess like every role, it is how you do it and how you approach things’. One particular issue has been the heightened risk stemming from the rise of online. ‘It moves terribly fast’, he says, adding: ‘Ireland continues to be quite a litigious environment’. While conceding in-house lawyers are not always popular within the media industry, Hannigan says effective communication has always been key to his success. ‘It can be difficult to sometimes get the balance right when it comes to providing legal advice that is always constructive and never obstructive’, he adds. ‘These are busy newspapers whose journalists and editorial staff have deadlines to meet in a competitive and evolving industry. Your role is to support the business and the publication process. Delivering accurate, timely and consistent legal advice in a coherent manner is what is required and expected’.

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