Tara Glynn – GC Powerlist
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Ireland 2015


Tara Glynn

Head of Legal & Company Secretary | Rabobank Ireland


Ireland 2015


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Tara Glynn

Head of Legal & Company Secretary | Rabobank Ireland

Tara Glynn - Ireland 2017

Company secretary and head of legal | VHI Group Services

Described by a colleague as an ‘experienced lawyer, who brings a calm head to analysis and decision making’, Tara Glynn joined the legal department of VHI Group Services, Ireland’s leading...

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Rabobank’s award-winning Ireland legal head, Tara Glynn has been particularly recognised for her litigation expertise. Heading legal and company secretarial, Glynn has made significant changes to internal processes, in efforts to heighten efficiency. It is the ‘variety and the ability to add value on the ground’, which give her the most satisfaction in her current role, she says. Motivating staff against the backdrop of the financial crisis has been difficult, she concedes, with salaries stagnating and redundancies permanently on the horizon. ‘This required appealing to the intrinsic motivations of my staff coupled with improving the team dynamic’, she says, stressing the need to ‘create a sense of ownership, involvement and achievement’. When it comes to working with outside counsel, she would like firms to ‘see the bigger picture for the client’ and particularly the ‘operational impact’ of their advice.

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Tara Glynn

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