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Ireland 2019

Caroline Dee-Brown

General counsel | Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg)


Ireland 2019

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Caroline Dee-Brown

General counsel | Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg)

Caroline Dee-Brown - Ireland 2024

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Caroline Dee-Brown - Ireland 2022

General counsel and director of legal services | Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg)

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Caroline Dee-Brown - Ireland 2015

General Counsel | Commission for Communications Regulation

During her five-year tenure as general counsel for the Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg), Caroline Dee-Brown has been a key decision maker in the newly founded company. ComReg is divided into...

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Caroline Dee-Brown - Ireland 2017

General counsel | Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg)

With over 24 years of experience and qualified in three jurisdictions, Caroline Dee-Brown has been the general counsel for The Commission for Communications Regulation (ComReg) – the regulator for Irish...

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Caroline Dee-Brown, general counsel of ComReg is a highly experienced and respected lawyer qualified to practice in three jurisdictions – Ireland, California as well as England and Wales – with over 24 years’ experience. She has held the position of general counsel pursuant to a public competition for appointment to the ComReg since 2009. ComReg is the national regulatory authority for electronic communications, radio spectrum and postal sectors in Ireland. Dee-Brown has been involved in all aspects of its operations from the provision of strategic advice directly to the commissioners and the senior management team on the delivery of their statutory functions and objectives to the leadership of the team of legal advisors across the organisation. She advises ComReg on diverse areas of law including regulatory and competition law, consumer law, EU law, data protection law, ADR and litigation, both defence and prosecution, procurement law, employment and property law. Dee-Brown joined ComReg in 2004 as legal manager for the wholesale division, having previous experience in private practice across three jurisdictions, where she led a team of four legal advisors and provided thought leadership for all litigation across the organisation. Prior to moving to Ireland she worked in private practice as an attorney with Haight Brown & Bonesteel in California representing various utilities, product manufacturers and financial institutions. A notable highlight was working on mass toxic tort cases which included the case made famous by the “Erin Brockovich” film in 2000. Dee-Brown truly values the opportunity to contribute to the public good and the rewards of public service which include the ability to make a difference to our society through the promotion of competition in the electronic communications sector. She highlights that, ‘it has been fulfilling to have the opportunity to contribute to the ongoing creation of the environment to enable delivery of sustainable business growth, investment and innovation in a dynamic sector to the ultimate benefit of consumers through choice and quality at competitive prices’. Nominated for her skill and management, she has become a thought leader and trusted advisor to a multidisciplinary organisation, senior management and the legal team building the framework to lead the team to high performance defining and demonstrating the value of the legal advisors to the rest of the organisation. In 2018 Dee-Brown led the agreement between ComReg and Eircom to a set of commitments which, when implemented, will result in the establishment and operation of an enhanced regulatory governance model in Eircom. She orchestrated ComReg’s significant contributions to The Law Reform Commission Report on Regulatory Powers and Corporate Offences and worked on the establishment of the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC). During the EU legislative process surrounding the EECC, ComReg played an active role, through the provision of expert and independent advice to the Department of Communications Climate Action and Environment, as requested, and through its membership of the Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications (BEREC), to the European institutions.

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