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Ireland 2024


Ciara Gaffney

General counsel | Rubicon Capital Advisors


Ireland 2024

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Ciara Gaffney

General counsel | Rubicon Capital Advisors

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

Rubicon Capital Advisors is a leading global investment banking advisory firm focused on the infrastructure, energy transition, digital and utilities sectors. As Rubicon’s global general counsel, working from its headquarters in Dublin, I report directly to the CEO and advise on all aspects of Rubicon’s business globally, which includes: negotiating legal agreements entered into with Rubicon’s investment banking clients; managing litigation and dispute resolution; leading and negotiating investment opportunities; advising on employment related matters; advising on Rubicon’s asset management business; providing general corporate advice and contract negotiation; providing strategic advice across the business; and advising on compliance with Rubicon’s legal and regulatory obligations globally. I am also responsible for selecting, appointing and managing top tier law firms across Rubicon’s business in each of the global jurisdictions where we operate.

The most significant transactions that I have advised Rubicon on most recently include the €30m investment by Aviva Investors into EasyGo, which Rubicon is the majority shareholder, as well as providing key structuring advice and negotiating follow on investments into EasyGo through Rubicon’s asset management business, leveraging the M&A experience that I gained working at top tier law firms in Australia and at one of Australia’s largest superannuation funds.

One of my most recent achievements has been successfully establishing the legal and regulatory side of Rubicon’s asset management business, leading negotiations with limited partners and providing ongoing advice on all aspects of the asset management business, leveraging my knowledge of Irish fund structuring and the experience that I gained in Australia advising some of the world’s leading fund managers and private equity firms establishing operations in Australia.

I also managed Rubicon’s most recent litigations, resulting in payouts to Rubicon of multiple million euro, with the support of top tier law firms in Spain and New York. I am currently managing an appeal to the Supreme Court of Spain.

How have you attempted to bring the legal department closer to your business colleagues?

I have been very successful in bringing the legal department closer to my business colleagues at Rubicon. I add value through developing a deep understanding of every aspect of the business globally and the key commercial aspects of deals, which enables me to provide proactive commercial solutions. I prioritise building strong trusting relationships across the firm and the industry more broadly to provide the best results focused advice to the business. I see the legal department and the business as one team who work together to provide outcomes-based solutions to our clients.

As the general counsel at Rubicon, in addition to providing legal and regulatory advice, I am embedded in the business as a key strategic thinker and form an integral part of the global leadership team and the decision-making process, which includes providing strategic advice across all aspects of Rubicon’s business globally.

As a general counsel, how do you anticipate and prepare for potential legal and regulatory challenges that may arise, particularly in light of emerging technologies and evolving business landscapes?

A key part of my role is ensuring that I think laterally and anticipate and prepare for all potential legal and regulatory risks and challenges that may impact Rubicon’s business globally. During my financial services career in Ireland and Australia, I have always placed a key emphasis on ongoing learning and development and being well prepared for regulatory changes in advance, which has included participation in relevant industry association working groups and ongoing upskilling.

Externally, I ensure that I am fully across future regulatory changes that may impact Rubicon’s business across all jurisdictions. I then take the measures required in advance of such changes to ensure compliance in the relevant jurisdictions, with the support of top tier law firms, as relevant. Internally, I work very closely with the business on an ongoing basis, including advising on new and innovate initiatives within the parameters of the relevant legal and regulatory framework, which can be challenging, particularly in relation to AI, for example.

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