Karen Holmes – GC Powerlist
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Ireland 2024


Karen Holmes

Vice president, head of legal and data privacy | Genuity Science


Ireland 2024


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Karen Holmes

Vice president, head of legal and data privacy | Genuity Science

What are the most significant cases or transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

Our focus at Genuity Science has been to establish a number of significant partnerships with various global biotech and pharmaceutical companies to facilitate access to Genuity’s Clinical Omic Database for genomic research studies. We have also partnered with leading academic institutions across Europe and North America to collaborate on data sourcing and data generation opportunities.

These transactions have provided a unique experience in the area of genomic and health data research with a focus on multiple areas of law including data privacy, research, innovation, and technology. The emergent nature of this area of research and data generation means that issues are often arising for the first time, so a multi-disciplinary approach to problem solving is critical. We continue to focus on our Data Stewardship, Governance and Compliance Programme and ensuring that Genuity Science maintains its “privacy first” approach to all activities.

Could you share an example of a time when you came up with an innovation that improved how your legal team works and did not come at a large expense?

Introducing a new vendor onboarding process significantly increased efficiencies in an area that requires a speedy but thorough turnaround. We introduced a feasibility and due diligence process and built out templates and play books that helped identify potential issues, and possible solutions, at a much earlier stage in the overall process. The process also helped the legal team connect with internal stakeholders across the business and helped those stakeholders better understand the wider context of potential issues. That closer connection strengthened the trust and trust and mutual respect between the legal team and the rest of the organisation. We also found that the process empowered the vendor-facing stakeholders to better address issues directly with their counterparts, which in turn made for a quicker overall turnaround in the contracting process.

As a general counsel, how do you anticipate and prepare for potential legal and regulatory challenges that may arise, particularly in light of emerging technologies and evolving business landscapes?

For Genuity, the rapidly changing landscape in the digital, privacy and AI space has meant that it has been critical for the legal team to stay abreast of new legal and regulatory changes. Keeping up to speed with legislative and regulatory developments not only across Ireland and the EU but also across North America and Australia has been key to understanding the global landscape in the emerging field of genomic and health data research.

We make sure to follow the central and local supervisory authorities in those jurisdictions when they issue opinions and guidance so that we can anticipate how their views may impact our approach to new issues. Attending and speaking at sector related seminars has also been central to identifying potential issues and understanding their context in the wider scientific, business and global context.

Karen Holmes - Ireland 2022

VP, head of legal and data privacy | Genuity Science

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VP, head of legal and data privacy

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