Davy Group – GC Powerlist
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Ireland Teams 2016

Davy Group

| Davy Group


Ireland Teams 2016


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Davy Group


The Davy Group is a financial services umbrella company for Ireland’s leading provider of stockbroking, wealth management and financial advisory services. The group is divided into asset management, capital markets, corporate finance, private clients and research, offering services to private clients, small businesses, large corporations and institutional investors. Paula Downey, business and legal director, leads the legal team of Davy Private Client. The Private Client portion of the Davy business is expanding, both within Ireland and in international territories. The legal team for the division has supported the acquisition of both PFC and Graham Corry Cheavers in Northern Ireland, making it the largest in the industry. As part of the continuing expansion of their Private Client services, Davy Group has moved two senior advisers from Belfast to London. Opening this market could be lucrative for the company, and the legal team will have to support this growth closely. There are also rumours of plans for Davy Asset Management to enter the London market as well, potentially offering new challenges for the legal team.

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