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Ireland Teams 2016

Musgrave Group

| Musgrave Group


Ireland Teams 2016

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Musgrave Group

Michelle O’Donnell has led the legal function at Musgrave Group – an institutional Irish food retail and wholesale company orperating with the largest market share in the sector – since...

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Ireland’s leading food retailer and wholesaler Musgrave Group is a long-established family-owned Irish business, celebrating their 140th anniversary in 2016. The Musgrave Group oversee some of Ireland’s most visible brands including the SuperValu chain of supermarkets, as well as other smaller retailers. In supporting the business’ attempt to consolidate its position as Ireland’s largest private sector employer, the Musgrave legal team has been able to contribute to the continued corporate success in the Irish market and elsewhere. Financial results from the Cork-based business’ latest financial year include a total sales figure of €4.4bn amounting to a pre-tax profit of €68m, demonstrating their strong market position. The legal team had a notable effect on business strategy in the last year when Musgrave decided to exit from the British market, where it had previously operated Londis and Budgens stores. This important part of Musgrave’s strategy required a tremendous level of legal and risk support, all abetted and managed by the company’s lawyers. Proving themselves to be problem-solvers and strategic facilitators, the team was able to secure the successful sale of the stores to Booker Group in September 2015 in a transaction worth €57m.

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Musgrave Group

Musgrave Group

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