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Ireland Teams 2018



| Citi


Ireland Teams 2018

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In common with their contemporaries in the financial services sector across Europe, Citi’s Ireland-based in-house lawyers have been dealing with an ever-increasing set of regulatory requirements of late, with this consistently ranking among the teams most challenging issues to deal with year-on-year. The team, based between Belfast, Dublin and London, is highly collaborative with a shared sense of team culture and developed knowledge-sharing customs. The team is one of the largest in-house legal functions based in Ireland, and boasts multiple highly regarded lawyers who are among the best in their field. The team, led by general counsel Nigel Kemp, provided some further background into its rapid expansion in recent years: ‘Over the past two years, the legal department in Citi`s Dublin office – the headquarters of Citibank Europe – has grown in number from 3 to 25, with further growth expected in 2019. The changing regulatory and political landscape, most notably with GDPR and Brexit, has seen the development of a close knit lawyering network between Citi’s regulatory lawyers, its bank regulatory lawyers and the country lawyers’.

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