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Israel 2023

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Anat Rothschild

Vice president, general legal counsel and company secretary | Infinya


Israel 2023

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Anat Rothschild

Vice president, general legal counsel and company secretary | Infinya

Looking forward, what technological advancements do you feel will impact the role of in-house legal teams in the future the most?

Technological advancements such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation will significantly impact the role of in-house legal teams in the future.

AI can assist with legal research, contract review, and document management, saving time and resources for in-house legal teams. AI-powered legal research tools can help lawyers quickly find relevant case laws and statutes. In contrast, AI-powered contract review tools can help lawyers identify key terms and clauses in contracts.

Automation can also streamline and automate routine legal tasks such as document management, e-discovery, and compliance monitoring. This can free up time and resources for in-house legal teams to focus on more complex legal issues and strategic decision-making.

Additionally, blockchain in the legal field will bring more transparency and security when performing legal transactions, while smart contracts will enable the legal team to automate and digitise legal agreements.

Overall, these technological advancements have the potential to significantly improve the efficiency and effectiveness of in-house legal teams and allow them to serve the needs of their organisations better.

What would you say are the unique qualities required to be successful as an in-house lawyer in your industry?

A successful in-house lawyer should possess various qualities to provide practical and professional support for the company’s business. Following are a few recommendations:

Know the company — while the business of a law firm and its partners is mainly to provide legal advice to its clients, an excellent in-house lawyer quickly understands that the company has a business of its own and the purpose of the in-house lawyer is to support such business, as effectively as possible. To do that, the in-house lawyer should aspire to have a deep understanding of the company’s business and goals, challenges and applicable regulations. Such understanding will allow the in-house lawyer to provide the best practical advice while ensuring compliance with the legal standards and protecting the company.

Strategic thinking —in-house lawyers must think strategically and anticipate potential legal issues that may arise.

Know the People – an excellent in-house lawyer should also be a ‘people’s person’ and have a good familiarity with the relevant directors across the company’s different divisions. As any other senior director, the in-house lawyer should know how to communicate with each of the representatives who comprise the company stakeholders, including the shareholders, the board of directors, the senior management and the mid-level management and employees. In most cases, each class requires a different treatment. Mastering this will make the in-house more accessible and efficient.

Be creative – often not associated with lawyers, creativity is one of the essential features of a successful in-house lawyer. Out-of-box solutions are usually the best way to ensure that the company’s directors will seek the advice of the in-house lawyer. An in-house lawyer who combines out-of-box solutions, accessibility and business-oriented practicability will be more successful in creating an environment of legal compliance in the company, and his legal advice will be better heard and complied with.

Adaptability — in-house lawyers need to adapt to their organisation’s changing needs and stay up to date on relevant laws and industry developments.

Strong work ethic and commitment to excellence— in-house lawyers must be dedicated and committed to providing high-quality legal services to their organisations.

What can law firms do to improve their service to the legal department?

Law firms can improve their service to the in-house legal department by focusing on building solid relationships and communication channels with their clients, providing clear and transparent billing practices, staying up to date on relevant laws and industry developments, and offering a diverse range of legal expertise to meet the needs of the department. Additionally, law firms can use technology to streamline processes, improve efficiency, and offer more personalised services to the legal department.

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