Ori Levanon – GC Powerlist
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Israel 2023


Ori Levanon

General counsel | Aurec Capital


Israel 2023


Recommended Individual

Ori Levanon

General counsel | Aurec Capital

How have you attempted to bring the legal department closer to your business colleagues?

By understanding the commercial needs of each division, the department has become a strong pillar in every transaction of the group.

Such knowledge enables our business colleagues to save time and money and concentrate on how to get better results. The legal department can lead negotiations and close transactions after receiving the commercial boundaries.

In addition, the legal department has become a business development unit of the group.

We introduce new partners and projects through our legal networking, whether with personal contacts or with each law firm which provides our services in the specific market we work in.

Focus on…Planning your career from a law firm lawyer to a general counsel

One should plan their career path carefully if one wants to become a successful and valued general counsel.

Jumping too soon from a law firm lawyer to a general counsel position may hinder your career advancement.

As a mentor to junior general counsel, I have detected several professional gaps my trainees experienced because of their career paths.

I believe the profession should first be learned in the best law firms. There are NO shortcuts!

Working with a company’s management requires expertise and confidence in the law and the profession. This can only be achieved after representing different clients in different legal fields with the professional guidance of experienced colleagues.

To remedy professional gaps, I have sent trainees for one-to-one ‘lessons’ with experienced partners in required detected fields the general counsel was missing.

However, can a law firm lawyer become a successful general counsel one day?

It is possible with proper planning and learning.

I have recently initiated a course that helps lawyers learn what is required to succeed as in-house counsel.

Some examples include understanding financial statements, managing a budget, negotiating practices, working with law firms, the ethics and regulations the general counsel needs to comply with, and so on.

The recent regulations and responsibilities the general counsel is subject to should be carefully learned before commencing such a capacity.

While currently, there are no certificates required to become a general counsel, the lack of tools for operating in the corporate business environment may lead to one finding himself in a low management position, with no direct contact to the CEO or to board decisions.

Once you have obtained the correct basis and understanding of the general counsel’s capacity, it will enable you to take part in the management’s team effort, achieve the company’s goals together and enjoy the process.

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