Gabriella Dore – GC Powerlist
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Italy 2016

Gabriella Dore

executive vice president, general counsel, Europe and Africa | Fox Networks Group


Italy 2016

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Gabriella Dore

executive vice president, general counsel, Europe and Africa | Fox Networks Group


With a truly international remit, Gabriella Dore is currently in charge of a 34-strong legal team dedicated to providing legal support for Fox Networks in the group’s European and African regions. As Fox acts as an international broadcaster as well as a local television operator, the legal team have a variety of complexities to grapple with. Dore’s organisation of the team encourages the adaptability and innovation necessary to cover so many diverse countries and their legal systems. Structuring the team by ‘assigning territorial responsibilities’ whilst also ‘creating centres of expertise across Europe’, Dore believes that she has developed a ‘fantastic team’ that allows her to enjoy a very close relationship with business needs. Such a close relationship is clearly beneficial to the health of the company, as she explains how even with a relatively small team they manage a ‘huge business’ that has ‘very few’ litigations in Europe. When working with outside counsel, Dore stipulates that they must have ‘knowledge of the business’ and must always ‘be ready to take risks together with the client’.

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