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Italy 2016

Giorgio Melega

chief legal officer | Tenova


Italy 2016

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Giorgio Melega

chief legal officer | Tenova


‘Be clear, be timely, be practical’, Giorgio Melega states this is the mission of his legal department. Taking charge of a worldwide function of 12 employees, Melega has been chief legal officer of Tenova since June 2014, having had over 15 years of both private practice and in-house legal experience. Showing great versatility and a keen eye for business, Melega has had to adapt to three different styles of working under three different CEOs. He showed remarkable versatility to adapt to these changes, was able to successfully ‘be appreciated by each one of them’ and enjoyed the possibilities afforded to him to take part in strategic decisions regarding the company. In experiencing such change within Tenova, which is part of the Techint Group, Melega has helped provide consistent legal support that connected with project approach, communication excellence and the encouragement of feedback. Keen to adhere to his aforementioned mission, Melega has changed the workings of the department sufficiently to facilitate communication and feedback with regards to projects between the legal team and business partners.

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