director of legal services contracting | Accenture
Valerio Bruno
director of legal services contracting | Accenture
Director of legal services contracting | Accenture
Director of legal services contracting | Accenture
Director of legal services contracting | Accenture
Based in Rome, Valerio Bruno oversees a team of 15 people in his role of director of legal services contracting at Accenture. During the five years he has spent in the role, Bruno has managed to raise the seniority of the legal department within the structure of the company and has spent time on talent development and business training to improve the team’s problem-solving approach. Bruno is proud of his rapid progression within Accenture’s ranks and enjoys his current work, ‘I enjoy supporting very challenging and complex transactions (such as joint venture agreements etcetera) as well as the people development side with my team’. The challenging aspect of Bruno’s role mainly involves finding the right balance between being in the same team with business stakeholders and protecting the company’s interests in the sales process.