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Italy 2022

Industrials and real estate

Veronica Rossi

General counsel | Denso Thermal Systems


Italy 2022

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Veronica Rossi

General counsel | Denso Thermal Systems

Team size: Four

How do you feel the pandemic has changed the world of work for in-house counsel and the function of the general counsel?

The pandemic has changed the in-house legal sector, transforming these roles to be more strategic. Lawyers started to take part in decision-making at the highest levels of their organisation. During the initial period of the Covid pandemic, quick decision-making was required because of the constant changing of rules and legislation. Lawyers interpreted rules to help people in charge make decisions. This type of involvement still applies.

What are the most significant cases and transactions that your legal team has recently been involved in?

The team was involved in quick decisions regarding Covid-19, Green Pass, and similar issues. During the first wave of the pandemic, the most significant cases were related to GDPR, data management, and Covid-19 cases, as well as the balance between data protection and work life balance. The new Stellantis company had a strong impact on the automotive market. Many new business relationships and contracts were supervised.

What do you feel are the pros and cons of an in-house legal role compared to a private practice one?

I do not see any cons of being an in-house lawyer. I only deal with one client while being part of the risk assessment and the decision-making process. Not limited to being a problem-solver, I can also liaise with the business side of the company, which gives me extra knowledge of any issues, from negotiation to (eventual) litigation phases.

Veronica Rossi - Italy 2018

Italian general counsel | DENSO Italy

Veronica Rossi began her career at an international law firm, before working at first with and then for DENSO, as her initial consultant relationship eventually transitioned into her current role...

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