Alessandro Lega – GC Powerlist
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Italy 2023

Transport and infrastructure

Alessandro Lega

Managing director legal southern Europe | FedEx


Italy 2023

Recommended Individual

Alessandro Lega

Managing director legal southern Europe | FedEx

Can you foresee any key developments to the way general counsel work over the next five years? 

The role of the general counsel is increasingly becoming one that needs to align with the needs of the business. It is a role that must not only fulfil the requirement for legal technical knowledge but also combine a deep sensitivity to the market and one’s specific industry. 

The general counsel also serves as a safeguard regarding risk management and the complexities arising from regulations, new obligations, and ever-expanding compliance activities that are being integrated into corporate operations. New obligations and additional compliance activities integrated into corporate functions will make the role of the legal general counsel within the company increasingly necessary for businesses. Compared to when I first started in the legal profession, the position has radically transformed. 

This path of integration and leadership within the corporate environment will become even more pronounced. It is no longer just about assisting the company with contracts but about gaining in-depth knowledge of corporate processes. Compliance activities now touch on all departments; the legal team’s guidance is crucial. 

It takes work to have a precise understanding and diligently follow all the requirements and obligations introduced by Italian and European lawmakers. We have a central role in ensuring global uniformity in implementing defined strategies and guidelines. 

Brand reputation is amongst the most important aspect to handle today. Communication through social media amplifies events, requiring legal professionals to analyse what is legal or not and to evaluate potential reputational impacts. Paying attention to the reputational aspect is increasingly becoming part of our role and will continue to grow over the next five years. 

What are some of the main trends impacting the industry sector you work in in Italy? 

Digital presence has characterised many fashion brands in recent years. Many have focused on the metaverse. At the same time, staying focused on asserting luxury and, consequently, the quality of the overall customer experience remains key. 

What measures has your company taken to embed sustainability practices into its core business operations, and how does the role of the general counsel contribute to driving and ensuring sustainable practices within the company? 

Our Group is strongly committed with sustainability, clearly understood not only as environmental awareness but also as attention to the working environment and the social responsibility of the company’s operations. 

For the past ten years, there has been a great attention to the work context and equal opportunities. 

The topic is of increasing relevance and attention, also considering the forthcoming implementation of new ESG legislation, and general counsels will play a key role in accompanying the management and the business in the new challenges 

Alessandro Lega - Italy 2024

Managing director legal affairs SEU region | FedEx

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Alessandro Lega - Italy 2022

Managing director legal southern Europe | FedEx

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