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Italy 2023

Consumer products

Gabriella Porcelli

General counsel | Iveco Group


Italy 2023

Recommended Individual

Gabriella Porcelli

General counsel | Iveco Group

Team size: ~100 


Could you share an example of a time when you came up with an innovation that improved how your legal team works and did not come at a large expense?  

During the last global meeting of the legal and compliance function in January 2023, in order to foster bonds and collaboration among professionals of different geographies, my colleagues have resolved to launch a series of projects and forming dedicated working groups (following a poll performed at the meeting). The goal was to keep the momentum and motivation of people, bridging toward the next global meeting. The projects were intended to 1) deliver an improvement on the way of working; 2) deliver positively on the perceived reliability of in-house lawyers across the business units of the company and the functions worldwide and; 3) contribute to IVG’s topline in terms of savings or reduction ofcompliance costs” and risk exposure.  

Some examples of the projects chosen include developing an academy (a series of engaging trainings for newcomers), developing teaching programs on banning child labour, and anticorruption and promote their implementation in schools and local communities. We also defined an effective information governance pending adoption of accompany-wide CLM expected to be achieved by mid- 2024, and defined common guidelines and terminology for budget and forecast processes, litigation reporting, and risk assessment.  


Can you foresee any key developments to the way general counsel work over the next five years?   

It will remain crucial for chief legal officers to have a seat at the executive table: an active engagement with the board of directors, even if not covering the role as secretary, it is essential to ensure access to information and business vision and expectations. 

General counsel must also study implications and, mostly, transform AI into an opportunity for efficiencies and a new way of working in the legal and compliance department.  


What are some of the main trends impacting the industry sector you work in in Italy? 

Beside demand for logistic services, open trade environment, and tax policies towards automobile sector, availability of consumer finance, fluctuation in exchange rates, and varying inflation levels also influence the industry’s growth prospects. Other factors that are critical to the national commercial vehicles market include the energy and environmental laws, the transportation infrastructure in place and technology advancements such as advanced driver and assistance systems for passenger and vehicle safety and accident prevention, as well as alternative fuelling and the launch of electric trucks in the light, medium and heavy segment. 


What measures has your company taken to embed sustainability practices into its core business operations, and how does the role of the general counsel contribute to driving and ensuring sustainable practices within the company?  

IVG has recently published its first sustainability report, embedding key targets in the company strategy and allocating clear accountabilities across management. We are substantively progressing in the key drivers of our sustainability plan and, as legal, we have an important role to play in the ESG agenda, particularly around compliance and reporting. However, ESG is becoming more complex, requiring many different skillsets. Us in-house counsel need to become more proficient on the technical component of ESG (metrics, energy saving drivers, climate change initiatives and targets). The direction of travel is to spread ESG responsibility among several corporate functions, with one as director (the ESG function), and ensuring that there is a clear vision of the risks shared across the organisation that is actively monitored by the legal function. 


How do you stay updated on the evolving regulatory landscape in Italy and ensure compliance with domestic laws, EU regulations, and industry-specific regulations?  

We are actively engaging key stakeholders at regulatory level, also partnering with our colleagues from Institutional Relations in this exercise, in order to stay consistent with key approved messages. I often have my lawyers speaking at conferences, contributing to papers and exchanging views with policy makers, legislative and judicial institutions representatives, as well as within professional associations, not only to monitor, but also to try and influence legislative changes and trends, as well as the doctrinal debate, often also partnering with outside counsel in these efforts. 

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