Nicola Verdicchio – GC Powerlist
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Italy 2023

Industrials and real estate

Nicola Verdicchio

Senior vice president and chief legal officer | Pirelli & C.


Italy 2023

Recommended Individual

Nicola Verdicchio

Senior vice president and chief legal officer | Pirelli & C.

Could you share an example of a time when you came up with an innovation that improved how your legal team works and did not come at a large expense?   

The introduction of bi-monthly virtual sessions with the presence of ALL the in-house counsels operating in any countries where the Group is present (4/5 countries simultaneously) in which we share the main projects each teams is working on. Such meetings technically and culturally enrich the participants, having the legal issues and adopted solutions of the Group continuously updated, also benefitting from the experience gained by other colleagues who faced the same issues. 


What are some of the main trends impacting the industry sector you work in in Italy?    

The instability of global equilibrium and increasing of energy and raw material prices. 


What legal considerations should be taken into account when structuring and executing an M&A, and how can the legal department play a strategic role in facilitating a successful M&A transaction?   

Major legal considerations relate to the identification of the best structure of the deal which allow managing risks and maximising the benefits of the transaction. Moreover, conduction of a proper due diligence process, identification and negotiation of required conditions precedent and adequate and tailor-made set of R&Ws, covenants and indemnification mechanism are crucial for a successful deal. Legal department is expected to conduct – in coordination with business partners – the entire process, structuring the transaction, negotiating the relevant terms, identifying proper solutions to potential deal breakers and mitigating risks deriving from the completion of the transaction. 



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