Fabrizia Fiandaca – GC Powerlist
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Italy 2024

Industrials and real estate

Fabrizia Fiandaca

Head of legal and compliance department | Reboze


Italy 2024


Recommended Individual

Fabrizia Fiandaca

Head of legal and compliance department | Reboze

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?  

After the pandemic and in an increasingly complex geopolitical scenario, dealing with instability has become essential. In this context, the general counsel can play a key-role, supporting business in risk management and mitigation plans with a strong proactive approach. Dialogue with all corporate functions is crucial to assess and address potential legal risks as rapidly as possible, ensuring that such considerations are integrated within the decision-making processes for the overall business strategy. Therefore, I have made sure to prioritise clear and comprehensive communication with key stakeholders on an ongoing basis, implementing periodic moments for update and discussion. Moreover, I make sure that legal guidelines, standards and procedures are periodically revised and updated to reflect possible needs in a timely manner and shared with all functions for efficient implementation. 


What are the main cases or transactions that you have been involved in recently?  

I have recently been involved in assisting the company in significant investment deals and M&A transactions for the acquisition of investment capitals and strategic assets to support the company on its path of rapid growth. Important partnerships agreements have also been concluded with leading companies in the aerospace, energy and oil & gas industries, and with leading Moto GP, Formula 1, Formula 3 and Formula E teams. 


How have you integrated technology into your legal processes, and what impact has this had on efficiency and compliance? 

I strongly believe that the integration of technology into legal processes could have very positive impacts, as it could allow the legal team to focus on more strategic and high-value work, increasing efficiency and productivity. We ordinarily use shared folders and online repositories to maximise effectiveness and flexibility in the organisation of work, with a full digitalisation of the archives which make all documents easily available when needed. The legal department is equipped with legal databases, online publications and newsletters, to guarantee a high level of support and continuous updating. 


What do you see as the major legal challenges for businesses in Italy over the next five years, and how are you preparing to address them?   

In the next five years, business in Italy will face several legal challenges, including an increasing complexity of the regulatory landscape, important compliance issues in a rapidly changing global scenario, the increasing impact of ESG regulation, growing use of artificial intelligence, and managing cybersecurity risks. The general counsel may have an essential role in safely accompanying Italian companies on this path through the management of the risks involved; this will require constant updating, solid technical skills, combined with an increasing development of management and leadership skills, also through the improvement of the necessary soft-skills. I stay informed about regulatory developments and changes, implement internal guidelines and procedures to be reviewed on a timely basis and focus on developing soft skills through dedicated courses. Moreover, I think that cooperation and discussion between professionals may bring an added value, granting the necessary speed and effectiveness of in-depth analysis and transversality of skills. Hence, with other general counsel I recently founded the first Italian association specifically dedicated to general counsel, where we delve into the most current legal and managerial topics (like M&A, artificial intelligence, regulatory changes, leadership, etc.), sharing our experiences and organising moments of discussion, also with external lawyers, consultants and other stakeholders, with the aim of improving constantly and faster, relying on each other. 


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