Federica Andreoni – GC Powerlist
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Italy 2024

Energy and utilities

Federica Andreoni

Head of legal affairs and commercial negotiations, legal assistance, finance, M&A and strategic partnerships | Eni


Italy 2024


Recommended Individual

Federica Andreoni

Head of legal affairs and commercial negotiations, legal assistance, finance, M&A and strategic partnerships | Eni

Team size:   20  


How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?    

The identification and management of legal aspects during periods of instability or crisis is crucial to ensure the resilience of the organization. In particular, in recent years characterised by disruptions of various kinds, the resilience of the companies and therefore also of the activities that the legal function is called upon to manage has allowed the organisation to hold up well in terms of practical and efficient response, adapting to changes and being ready for changing needs and strategies.  

The legal function has demonstrated the ability to adapt to changing needs through the management of legal risk and the diversification of legal business and finance activities. Timely planning and management of the changed structures aimed at providing an efficient and resilient response were fundamentals for dealing with uncertainties. 


What role does the legal department play in promoting and ensuring corporate social responsibility in your organisation?    

The energy sector is a crucial sector from a social point of view, both for the service it offers and also for the significant contribution it makes to the economy, as we have seen in the period of energy crisis. This very important sector is characterised by regulatory and legal complexity which can represent a challenge for companies operating in this field. Energy companies must deal with complex environmental regulations, which concern emissions, waste management, impact on the territory and sustainability. Legal advice is essential to manage impacts. Lawyers must be ready to guide the energy transition with constantly updated skills, facing these challenges with expertise and foresight. 


What do you see as the major legal challenges for businesses in Italy over the next five years, and how are you preparing to address them?     

Italian companies are facing emerging challenges with resilience. The main legal issues that companies in Italy may have to face in the next five years will likely concern the supply of raw materials, the use of sustainable energy sources and the increasingly widespread use of eco-sustainable materials. In general, I think that Italian companies will focus on environmental, economic and social sustainability. They will invest in machinery renewal, production technologies and research and development.  

Another area of growing investment will be Artificial Intelligence where understanding the legal implications of these technologies will be fundamental. And finally, not because it is of lesser importance, the valorisation of human capital will be a key factor. 



Federica Andreoni - Italy 2023

Head of M&A, finance and strategic partnership | Eni

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