Roberto Luca Moresco – GC Powerlist
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Italy 2024

Consumer products

Roberto Luca Moresco

General counsel | Fashion Box (Replay Blue Jeans)


Italy 2024

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Roberto Luca Moresco

General counsel | Fashion Box (Replay Blue Jeans)

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?  

It is common knowledge that the series of global events over the past years have plunged many businesses into a prolonged period of crisis. This unique moment in time emphasises the importance of how we manage and react to instability, as it will define the future of our business. 

My department has always been fully integrated into the company’s business operations. During the COVID-19 pandemic, it was no surprise that members of the legal department either conducted or played a supporting role in negotiations with all key partners. This involvement did not hinder but rather facilitated discussions to reach mutually acceptable compromises. Most counterparts recognised the long-term benefits of maintaining healthy and sustainable relationships. This was particularly true with landlords and sponsors, who understood that our discussions aimed to preserve mutual business interests. 

This collaborative approach has continued over the years. Throughout 2023 and 2024, we have managed a series of initiatives aimed at streamlining operations while maintaining a healthy business, including negotiating the relocation of the company’s London showroom and offices to new premises. This move was planned to optimise our operational efficiency and cost-effectiveness while maintaining a location aligned with the image and status of the brand. We also conducted a redundancy process for a Hong Kong subsidiary: this was done with the aim of centralising certain functions and negotiated the early termination of underperforming points of sale. 

The cumulative benefit of these strategic interventions has resulted in savings of over €1m per annum for the business. By aligning our legal strategy with the broader business strategy, we ensure that our organisation remains well positioned to navigate through periods of instability and crisis. A proactive, commercially grounded approach from the legal department not only supports immediate needs but also fosters the growth of a sustainable and resilient business.

What are the main cases or transactions that you have been involved in recently?   

In addition to the activities mentioned previously, the legal department has been actively involved in a series of proactive initiatives aimed at growing the business, including reinforcing the brand’s presence in the sports sector. Replay secured an exclusive long-term partnership with Bayern Munich, significantly enhancing the brand’s visibility and association with top-tier sports. Considering discussions regarding a potential relationship commenced during pre-season, an intense negotiation followed to ensure that the sponsorship could “kick-off” with the 23/24 season. Additionally, I was involved in commercial discussions, drafting, and negotiating contracts for the extension of our long-standing partnership with Neymar Jr. and securing a new endorsement deal with the rising football sensation, Endrick, who now plays with Real Madrid. These partnerships are pivotal in strengthening the brand’s presence and appeal in the sports industry. I have also been involved in developing the branding and advising on all IP aspects relating to the new 9Zero1 product range. The launch of this collection has been supported by a massive marketing campaign, involving the brand’s portfolio of talent and ambassadors and communicated through international platforms, all of which have been negotiated through the legal department. 

I am currently involved in negotiating several key business partnerships, including production licenses, distribution, and joint venture agreements. These negotiations are crucial for extending and consolidating our brand’s presence in new territories, thereby supporting our strategic growth objectives. The legal department played and continues to play a pivotal role in these transactions, reinforcing the brand’s market position and driving the business forward


How have you integrated technology into your legal processes, and what impact has this had on efficiency and compliance?   

To remain relevant, lawyers must evolve with changes in society and business practices. I believe that malleability is a distinguishing feature of in-house lawyers, enabling us to quickly adapt to commercial realities. Embracing change also means working with technology. 

In this regard, in 2023, our department collaborated with the Law Faculty of the University of Padua, who have been developing software to automatically generate tailored contracts. We provided the students with two consultancy contracts in English and Italian. They analysed all possible variables in respect of the most common consultancy engagements in our business sector and developed a tool, presented in October last year, which can generate a consultancy agreement based on user input. This reduces the more “mechanical” activities involved in drafting, reduces human error, and moreover, frees up time. 

Additionally, we have implemented an integrated database that digitally archives all the Group’s contracts. This allows users to remotely access and sort contracts using keywords and search queries. We have granted limited access to this archive to certain departments, enabling them to consult simple information without needing to go through the legal department. This means that our team no longer has to fulfil a “librarian” function, allowing us to concentrate on more substantive matters. This is supplemented by a digitalisation process we are implementing for the signature of contracts, which will further streamline and facilitate the completion of contracts as well as ensuring their proper execution. 

The legal profession must work with, rather than against, technology. If lawyers do not embrace change, we risk becoming quickly obsolete. However, we must also be careful not to lose the essence that distinguishes us from technology: human interaction. I firmly believe that in-person meetings remove barriers and facilitate open communication. For this reason, I encourage my team to travel to meet external lawyers, clients, and partners, finding that this often resolves stalemates that correspondence or remote communication cannot. 

Roberto Luca Moresco - Italy 2023

General counsel | Fashion Box (Replay)

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General counsel | Fashion Box

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