OVS – GC Powerlist
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Italy Teams 2017




Italy Teams 2017


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James Slimnicanovski - Australia Rising Stars 2023

Group counsel - commercial and technology | Ausgrid

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Anna Golovsky - Australia 2023

Executive manager legal and company secretariat operations | IAG

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James Slimnicanovski - Rising Stars Australia 2022

Group counsel – commercial and technology | Ausgrid

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Magdalena Strahovsky Villanueva - Chile 2022

Human resources director | G4S Security Services Chile

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Nina Pavlovskaya - Russia 2019

Director, legal counsel, legal and licensing operations | SAS Institute

What are the most important transactions and litigations that you have been involved in during the last two years? Granting the right to use SAS software, which is of American...

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Anna Malinovskaya - Russia 2019

Legal department director | GroupM

What are the most important transactions and litigations that you have been involved in during the last two years? First of all I should mention the industry initiative we were...

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Jovan Velkovski - Central and Eastern Europe 2019

Director of legal, personnel and general affairs | JAT Tehnika

What are the most important transactions and litigations that you have been involved in during the last two years? Having in mind that Jat Tehnika is a completely state owned...

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Magdalena Strahovsky Villanueva - Chile 2019

Legal and labour risk prevention director | The Adecco Group Chile

Initially recruited by The Adecco Group Chile in 2015 Magdalena Strahovsky Villanueva quickly demonstrated her ability in the in-house legal department which led to promotions, first as chief of the...

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Marian Borovsky - Switzerland 2015

Group General Counsel | Actelion Pharmaceuticals Ltd.

Since starting his role as group general counsel at Actelion – a leading biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery and development of innovative drugs – Marian has contributed to a...

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The Swarovski in-house legal team is recognised for its outstanding work on matters in the precious gems industry, with Swarovski having been one of the world’s most sought after producers...

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Anna Golovsky - Australia 2018

Head of operations, legal and governance | AMP

In February 2018, Anna Golovsky assumed the position of head of operations, legal and governance for Australian financial services business AMP, demonstrating the acknowledgement on behalf of the business of...

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Swarovski was founded by Daniel Swarovski in 1895 in Austria and is the world’s leading provider of precision-cut crystal for fashion, jewellery, accessories, lighting, architecture and interiors. Swarovski Group achieved...

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Peter Gyurovszky - Central and Eastern Europe 2017

Head of legal and compliance department | Ezpada

Peter Gyurovszky, head of legal and compliance for energy wholesaler Ezpada, is fully committed to in-house legal work despite a foray into private practice with Squire Sanders in the early...

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Alexey Amvrosovs - Central and Eastern Europe 2017

Head of legal (Russia and CIS) and lead counsel (Global Business Services, CEE) | IBM

IBM, the largest technology and consulting employer in the world, has been present in Russia and the CIS for over 40 years and is a leading provider of high-value solutions...

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OVS is the largest retailer in the extremely competitive Italian clothing market, and owing to their market position and the numerous brands in its portfolio a team providing legal support of a comprehensive and flexible nature is a key component in the company’s success. Marco Pessi is the general counsel of OVS, and oversees a team of ten people that is, according to Pessi, required to be ‘fast and professional’ in acting as in-house lawyers. Tangibly making an impact to the business of the company, Pessi cites the cost reduction that has occurred owing to the legal team’s work on the company’s data centre and their excellent results in terms of settlements. Pessi states whilst the company ‘does not live with much litigation’ it is of urgent importance that it is ‘supported by our in-house lawyers and settled in the best way for the company’. A group of lawyers that wear many hats, the team is well-sourced from various different areas of the law, Pessi stating that he relies on ‘different expertise in which the company work is involved’ extending to management of various items including IP rights and portfolio trademarks for separate entities in the business. A clear example of this was a recent move to ensure relevant expertise was drawn in the real estate field, Pessi explaining his approach by explaining: ‘We aren’t landlords, but still have to deal with tenants and lease agreements and I wanted to draw on legal work outside to bring it inside. The quality of response time and the focus of the team on the most important topics for the external advisors is time expensive and not as business oriented’, evincing the quality the lawyers selected to fill these roles and the training and experience the team instils in them.

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