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Italy Teams 2017

Poste italiane

| Poste italiane


Italy Teams 2017

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Poste italiane


Poste italiane is an Italian postal services provider that has a long history dating back to the 19th century and offers a range of services including core postal services, postal savings, communication, logistics and financial services in its home market of Italy. Helping the prestigious company run their core business as well as their other offerings in a legally sound and compliant way, the legal department of Poste italiane is recommended for its proactive nature and comprehensive coverage of all of the company’s business affairs. Composed of several lawyers who also hold management positions evincing their close relationship with business partners, the legal team of Poste italiane had a huge role to play in helping the company achieve a revenue figure of €33.1bn in 2016 through its advice on several complex areas of the law including Italy’s anti-corruption 231 law, privacy law, intellectual property and management of the company’s numerous contracts.

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