Amplifon – GC Powerlist
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Italy Teams 2019


| Amplifon


Italy Teams 2019

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An Italian company dealing with the diagnosis, application and marketing of hearing solutions, Amplifon was founded in 1950 and is a market leader worldwide present in 22 countries. Amplifon operates...

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Amplifon is a leading hearing specialist with 65 years of experience in the industry, it operates in over 29 countries boasting over three million customers worldwide. The Amplifon legal team has grown since 2018, and is now made up of 14 members, with four corporate lawyers – three in Italy, one in Spain and six in the Americas. The department is currently working to create also an EMEA regional legal role, working directly with the chief legal officer, Federico Dal Poz. The department also hired the first legal director for Spain, which became the second largest country of operation for Amplifon at the end of 2018, thanks to a large acquisition which was the industry’s largest in the calendar year. The team has further expanded by adding a small dedicated data privacy team based in Barcelona. One of the team’s aims has been to start building an internal centre of excellence for corporate law, by having one of the team members devoting vast efforts into it and further train and develop him in that specific area of the law. Most notably, in December 2018, the legal team was involved in the €530m acquisition of Gaes, the largest hearing aid player in the Spanish market, thus holding a position on par to the one held by Amplifon in Italy. This acquisition saw the legal team deeply involved in all its phases including the competitive bidding, negotiation, drafting, signing, financing, closing and required an extensive process of merger control clearance in Spain and Portugal. Part of the teams’ success of navigating such large scale projects has been down to adopting a partnership attitude towards their internal clients during instrumental company changes. ‘I really do think that we are moving in the right direction, and the trust given us by our internal clients – including the CEO and the rest of the c-suite – testifies this. Further, our ability to strengthen and enhance the team are the proof that we – as legal – are bringing value to the table’, says Dal Poz.

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Federico Dal Poz

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Federico Dal Poz

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Federico Dal Poz

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