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Italy Teams 2019

Nokia Italy

| Nokia Italy


Italy Teams 2019

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Nokia Italy


Nokia is a Finnish multinational telecommunications, information technology and consumer electronics company with a European legal team of 50 lawyers. In Italy, the team has three members, headed by head of legal and compliance for Europe, Emiliano Berti. Over the course of 2018, the legal team has worked on the merger of the Nokia Italian entities, and have been instrumental in the merger of the operative entities in Italy which have been effective from January 2019. The legal team has most notably led the merger by incorporation of Alcatel-Lucent Italia into Nokia Solutions and Networks Italia. In the last year the legal department has also provided significant support to the real estate function of the business. In particular, the legal function has been involved in the review and termination of office lease agreements and in the sale of properties taking a strategic role for improving the company’s savings and generating revenues. Diversity has become a business priority for 2019 and consequently for the legal team as well, following CEO Rajeev Suri announcing the closing of the unexplained pay gap. ‘We will carry on fighting for inclusivity and diversity across every part of our company. We owe it to our current and future employees, of whatever gender or any other identity, to drive change and, where possible, to lead the entire technology industry. And that is exactly what we will do’, explains Berti.

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