Akiko Kawaguchi – GC Powerlist
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Japan 2023

Industrials and real estate

Akiko Kawaguchi

Assistant division director, legal and general affairs division | Chiyoda Corporation


Japan 2023


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Akiko Kawaguchi

Assistant division director, legal and general affairs division | Chiyoda Corporation

Team size: 59

What are the most significant cases, transactions or projects that your legal team has recently been involved in?

The legal team have been working EPC contracts, joint research and development agreements, collaboration agreements on projects related to the decarbonisation sector, such as hydrogen, ammonia, e-fuels, SAF and methanisation. We have also worked on the life sciences sector, such as plant factories and pharmaceutical plants.

Could you share an example of a time when your team came up with an innovation that improved how your legal team works and did not come at a large expense?

An internal review manual was prepared, covering not only the legal department, but also IT, public relations and HR compliance.

In addition, review manuals, guidelines and checklists for various contracts (NDAs, service contracts, joint research and development contracts, JV contracts, EPC contracts, and more) were distributed internally to enable each in-house department to complete contract reviews and to identify areas of risk before requesting the legal department’s assistance.This then enables us to formulate the ideal measures to deal with those risks.

Based on the above manual which sets out certain thresholds under which the department in charge of the contract in question can review the contract without the legal department, were developed and disseminated internally. This is to ensure that the legal department has time to focus on all contracts in new areas of the company, such as decarbonisation and the life sciences sector.

A ‘virtual legal department’ system has been set up with several law firms, including virtual secondments, where lawyers generally work remotely and come to the office as ‘virtual’ members on demand, special legal fee arrangements, and seminars.

How important is choosing to work with external lawyers who align with your company’s values?

It very important. Our founder decided to start this company to “contribute to society through technology (engineering)”. This spirit is embodied in the form of our LNG plant projects using technologies with low CO2 emissions and new fuel projects involving hydrogen. Fortunately, there are many great law firms that recognise our value.

How do you suggest in-house lawyers build strong relationships with business partners?

It is very important that there is a close relationship between the legal director and the senior partner of the law firm. It is important to exchange views regularly and to hear updates directly from one another. This includes understanding each other’s short, medium, and long-term vision.

It is also important that we communicate with the younger generations. It is easier to build a good relationship if they have grown up together before becoming legal managers and senior partners.

In-house lawyers must correctly understand the strengths and weaknesses of each law firm and their latest focus areas, they must select the right firm to work with on matters. It is also important to have timely feedback and open communication between one another.

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