Hideo Takikawa – GC Powerlist
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Japan 2023

Industrials and real estate

Hideo Takikawa

Executive officer, head of legal and human resources compliance | MiSUMi


Japan 2023


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Hideo Takikawa

Executive officer, head of legal and human resources compliance | MiSUMi

Team size: 13

What are some of the most important cases your legal team has been involved in recently?

The legal team has been involved in the establishment of a joint venture with Core Concept Technology where we completely revamped the code of conduct as well as the conduct training. The team has also been involved in the formulation of global policies for compliance awareness, information security, and compliance checks.

Could you share an example of a time when your team came up with an innovation that improved how your legal team works and did not come at a large expense?

In order to streamline our work, we have established a portal site for the legal affairs office so that we can unify the contact points for legal requests and consultations. We have also introduced robotic process automation to handle seal applications and electronic seals on the legal portal site.

How important is choosing to work with external lawyers who align with your company’s values?

When selecting outside counsel it is important that the firm we select are able to provide us with timely responses and realistic solutions.

How do you suggest in-house lawyers build strong relationships with business partners?

In order to build strong relationships with your business partners in-house lawyers must familiarise themselves with and be able to explain the company they belong too. They must understand its products, customers, and the goals of the business. In-house lawyers should be able to explain complex problems with simplicity which in turn will make for smooth business operations and a strong relationship with partners.

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