Anthony Luna – GC Powerlist
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Japan 2024

Information technology

Anthony Luna

General counsel | IBM Japan


Japan 2024

Recommended Individual

Anthony Luna

General counsel | IBM Japan

What are the most significant cases or transactions that you have been involved in over the past year?

In 2024, major projects included a portfolio of several complex and high-value IT projects in multiple industries. Other projects include litigation and multiple M&A integrations in the technology sector, as well as emerging semiconductor work in Japan. Understanding critical issues around the emergence of generative AI and deployment of contracts including IBM and other AI solutions have been a legal department priority.

Are the effects of AI on the legal world overplayed or underplayed?
AI is already having a substantial impact on the legal field and will continue to do so. I believe that it is crucial for every lawyer to understand the legal and ethical aspects of AI in any solution their company uses. This knowledge equips them to identify and mitigate risks and guide responsible AI use. Additionally, lawyers need to embrace AI to enhance productivity and continuously educate themselves to add value in an AI-driven environment. This will be both a challenge and a significant productivity opportunity for the legal profession and in-house lawyers.

How do you motivate and manage your legal team effectively?
I am fortunate to work with already highly motivated and talented lawyers at IBM. My philosophy is that every lawyer should be challenged and continuously develop in various areas each year, including legal skills, communication, business acumen, stakeholder relationships, strategic thinking, resiliency and technology understanding. It is essential to work as a team rather than as individuals. With rapidly emerging legal issues like AI, quantum computing, and privacy, collaboration is key. By problem solving as a team, we can resolve most novel or difficult issues effectively. One example is that we conducted a “resiliency clinic” to practice enhance coping and communication skills under challenging circumstances, ensuring our work remains sustainable in a fast-paced environment. In my view, attention to and development of multiple skills consistently every year as a team keeps members engaged and collaborative.

Anthony Luna - Japan 2023

General counsel | IBM Japan

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