Hiroaki Asahara – GC Powerlist
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Japan 2024

Information technology

Hiroaki Asahara

Head of legal | MICIN


Japan 2024


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Hiroaki Asahara

Head of legal | MICIN

Based on your experience, what is the key to collaborating successfully with business partners?

The key lies in deeply understanding their true business objectives and preparing multiple tailored options aligned with those goals. These options should quantitatively illustrate the extent of legal risks and their potential impact on business objectives. It is essential to present and compare these options clearly and precisely, avoiding legal jargon, so that non-legal business partners can incorporate them into their business decisions.

Which political, economic, or regulatory changes have impacted your work the most in the past year?

The significant shift in the economic environment for startup fundraising has profoundly impacted our work over the past year. Equity fundraising has become much more challenging, leading to numerous down-rounds or shutdowns of unlisted startups and delays in IPOs. This environment has made our company’s fundraising efforts and negotiations more difficult, yet we successfully raised a significant amount of funds at a higher valuation than the previous round.

What is a cause, business-related or otherwise, that you are passionate about, and why?

I am passionate about the macro and micro aspects of the digital health realm. On a macro level, I am keen to understand the regulatory and policy environment in this area, as our business is heavily regulated by healthcare-related rules and governmental bodies. Changes or trends in this environment significantly impact our business. On a micro level, it is crucial for me to understand the details of our services or products, including key technologies and competitive differentiators. This deep understanding is vital for providing legal advice that aligns with our true business goals and those of our business partners.

Are the effects of AI on the legal world overplayed or underplayed?

The impact of AI on the legal world is often exaggerated in the short term but underestimated in the long term. Currently, the expectations around AI’s ability to revolutionise legal practices are inflated, with many believing AI can immediately manage complex tasks like litigation strategy and intricate legal interpretations. However, current AI technology primarily supports document review, legal research, and routine tasks, without replacing the nuanced judgment of legal professionals.

In the long term, the potential of AI in the legal field is likely underappreciated due to the rapid advancements in AI technology, particularly generative AI. This accelerated development often surpasses predictions, leading to significant transformations in legal practices. As AI evolves, it could manage more complex tasks, such as accurately predicting case outcomes and providing personalised legal advice. These advancements could democratise legal services, making them more affordable and accessible. Therefore, while the short-term effects may be overestimated, the long-term potential of AI in the legal sector is likely underestimated due to the swift progression of AI technology.

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