Kazuki Nemoto – GC Powerlist
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Japan 2024


Kazuki Nemoto

Director, legal department | Kyowa Kirin


Japan 2024


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Kazuki Nemoto

Director, legal department | Kyowa Kirin

What are the most significant cases or transactions that you have been involved in over the past year?

The most significant transaction was the full acquisition of the UK cell and gene therapy development company.

Apart from legal matters, has the team worked on other company initiatives you would like to highlight?

As a global specialty pharmaceutical, our company has become rapidly globalised in recent years. To respond to this rapid change, our legal department has been working on developing the global legal capabilities of our legal team members, deepening collaboration with overseas legal departments in our group, and reforming our mindset as a department that provides legal consulting. Although we are still in the middle of development, we intend to continue to reform our organisation without falling behind the speed of our management strategy.

How do you motivate and manage the other members of your legal team well?

To increase the motivation of the legal team members, I am trying to get them away from their own desk and go to the sites where contract negotiations or legal risks have occurred, rather than just checking contracts at their desk, to see the sites directly and speak to people there. Currently, due to the spread of online communication and cost reductions, it is difficult to make business trips for contract negotiations and due diligence, but I encourage our team members to visit the sites and speak to local people as much as possible. By seeing with their own eyes what is happening on the ground, the members have become more proactive in how they approach legal cases and think through and find optimal solutions, and their motivation has increased.

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