Kenichiro Aoya – GC Powerlist
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Japan 2024

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Kenichiro Aoya

Senior executive officer and general manager of legal division | Nitori Holdings


Japan 2024

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Kenichiro Aoya

Senior executive officer and general manager of legal division | Nitori Holdings

Team size: 38

What innovations have you made to the way your legal team works in the past year?

The most significant innovation has been introducing generative AI into the legal team’s work. Our team uses it not only for legal consultation and contract review, but also for creating presentation materials, summarising articles, and so on. Many new machines have appeared on the earth, and humans have used them as useful tools. AI is one of these machines, and like the new machines that have appeared so far, it is necessary to use the appropriately.

Are the effects of AI on the legal world overplayed, or underplayed?

I think they are largely underplayed.

AI will transform the practice of law as a tool to complement the cognitive abilities of the legal person. However, any tool can be poison or medicine, and AI must be used appropriately. It is important that legal professionals approach AI with high ethical and moral standards.

Kenichiro Aoya - Japan 2023

Senior executive officer, head of legal division | Nitori Holdings

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Kenichiro Aoya

Senior executive officer, head of legal division

Nitori Holdings

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