Kenji Tagaya – GC Powerlist
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Japan 2024

Energy and utilities

Kenji Tagaya

Head of legal and secretariat division | JERA


Japan 2024

Recommended Individual

Kenji Tagaya

Head of legal and secretariat division | JERA

Team size: 60

What are the most significant cases or transactions that you have been involved in over the past year?
JERA is trying to make every effort to link its legal and compliance functions with its corporate secretary functions. Although JERA is a privately held company, it is engaged in the highly public service of energy industry. As a result, we strive to promote the level of corporate governance of the JERA Group not only to its shareholders but also to a wide range of stakeholders through its legal and compliance functions and corporate secretary functions.

Apart from legal matters, has the team worked on other company initiatives you would like to highlight?

Sustainability is essential to the energy industry, including safety, energy security, economic efficiency, and the environment. From compliance to corporate governance, the role of the legal department has increased more than ever. It is my role to communicate and motivate these roles of the legal department.

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