Kohei Mima – GC Powerlist
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Japan 2024


Kohei Mima

General counsel, chief privacy officer and chief compliance officer | Nestle Japan


Japan 2024


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Kohei Mima

General counsel, chief privacy officer and chief compliance officer | Nestle Japan

Team size: Eight

What are the most significant cases or transactions that you have been involved in over the past year?

Continuing from past efforts, I have focused on advancing Legal DX by implementing various Legal Tech tools to optimise operations, resulting in a reduction of over 2,000 working hours. In recent years, I have also led a team dedicated to personal data protection, developing key policies like privacy rules, ensuring their effectiveness through audits, and managing incidents when they occur. This initiative involves collaboration with all departments and has a significant impact, making it both critical and highly challenging. Additionally, I am actively involved in company-wide initiatives, including launching new businesses, upcycling efforts, and implementing new personnel systems, all aimed at driving success.
Based on your experience, what is the key to collaborating successfully with business partners?
One of the most crucial aspects of being effective in a legal role is to act as a business partner rather than just a legal expert. It’s important to approach tasks with the mindset of being part of the business team and ensuring the success of initiatives.
Instead of merely stating, “The law says this, and the courts interpret it that way, so there is this risk; please make the final decision,” we should provide actionable advice such as, “If you approach the initiative this way, you can minimise risks while achieving the same or even better results.” This proactive approach focuses on the work necessary for success.
By adopting this mindset, the business will no longer view the legal department as an obstacle that highlights risks to halt activities. Instead, they will see us as allies working towards shared goals, understanding that collaboration with the legal team is key to achieving success.

Apart from legal matters, has the team worked on other company initiatives you would like to highlight?
One key aspect of the Legal Department is to encourage timely consultations by being perceived as accessible and approachable. To achieve this, we have focused on internal marketing initiatives. This includes creating engaging short films branded as LEGAL TV and making member introductions more enjoyable and engaging rather than just routine. These promotional efforts have led to positive feedback, significantly improving the department’s image. As a result, some colleagues have even expressed interest in working with the Legal Department.
Are the effects of AI on the legal world overplayed, or underplayed?
When discussing AI taking over jobs, I believe the reaction is often exaggerated. AI performs tasks on our behalf, so it doesn’t take away “jobs” but rather handles the tedious “tasks” within those jobs. On the other hand, the importance of using AI seems underestimated. Just like the adoption of tools like Word and email in the past, AI will significantly change the way we work in the future. Even though AI might not take away jobs, people who can effectively use AI to provide higher-level services will likely receive more job offers. As a result, it might seem like AI-capable individuals are taking jobs from those who are not proficient with AI.

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