Koji Tsurumi – GC Powerlist
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Japan 2024


Koji Tsurumi

Vice president regional counsel, Asia Pacific | Kenvue


Japan 2024


Recommended Individual

Koji Tsurumi

Vice president regional counsel, Asia Pacific | Kenvue

Team size: 35

What are the most significant cases or transactions that you have been involved in over the past year?

Successfully closed a major commercial dispute through negotiation, significantly mitigating the financial impact. Additionally, collaborated effectively with relevant functions and negotiated with the government to update industry standards, ensuring the company could continue selling its major product without disruption.
Based on your experience, what is the key to collaborating successfully with business partners?
Understanding the priorities of your business partner and the organization is crucial. Some requests or inquiries may not align with the company’s priorities, so guiding them to solutions that reflect the organization’s strategic goals ensures the best outcome.

How do you motivate and manage the other members of your legal team well?
Focusing on each team member’s passion is essential. While many lawyers are eager to develop themselves, providing opportunities aligned with their interests yields the best results. Regularly engaging in discussions about their interests and future career aspirations helps each member concentrate on areas that will foster their success.
What is a cause, business-related or otherwise, that you are passionate about, and why?
Developing the next generation is a strong passion of mine. While AI and other digital tools are advancing, understanding the people you interact with remains central to the legal profession. Sharing experiences will broaden their perspectives and help them succeed as part of a global team in the future.

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