Mitsutaka Hibino – GC Powerlist
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Japan 2024

Telecommunication services

Mitsutaka Hibino

Vice president, head of legal office | Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT)


Japan 2024

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Mitsutaka Hibino

Vice president, head of legal office | Nippon Telegraph and Telephone (NTT)

What are the most significant cases or transactions that you have been involved in over the past year?

NTT has released the “medium-term management strategy” in 2023 where we announced that we will work on development of new technology such as IOWN and investment in new growth sector, to achieve our fundamental principles “New Value Creation and Sustainability Powered by IOWN”. NTT Legal Team is promoting this strategy from a legal perspective including cross-border investment, revisions of related laws and regulations, and contributing to the launch of a new business. We believe that legal perspectives will be more and more important for the development of our Japanese and global business. NTT Legal Team will continue to play a key role in our business of NTT Group.

What innovations have you made to the way your legal team works in the past year?

NTT Group had started its business as a telecommunication service provider in Japan and now many of our group companies are developing their business globally, including non-telecommunication business. During our recent restructuring of our global business, we have found out that a strong relationship of legal members is one of the keys to maximise our value. To develop the fundamental strength of our team, we hold an online conference on an annual basis. Last year, more than 200 legal members from both domestic and global group companies joined and shared their experiences and information about important laws and regulations. This activity contributes to empowering legal members’ skills and strengtheninging our legal team relationship, and in some cases leads to win a large-scale cross-border project through our collaboration as a one global legal team.

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