Shoko Kimijima – GC Powerlist
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Japan 2024

Industrials and real estate

Shoko Kimijima

Chief legal and compliance officer and executive vice president | LIXIL


Japan 2024

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Shoko Kimijima

Chief legal and compliance officer and executive vice president | LIXIL

What are the most significant cases or transactions that you have been involved in over the past year?

LIXIL Legal has developed a comprehensive Legal Playbook aligned with the company’s management strategy, the LIXIL Strategy Playbook. Updated in 2023, this playbook clearly defines the mission, values, goals, and priorities of the global legal team. Given the team’s rapid global evolution, it is crucial to articulate and share a unified purpose for in-house counsel and professionals. The 2023 update, led by young talents collaborating across regions, further solidified a cohesive team mindset.

Among key performance objectives (KPOs), promoting legal transformation is a priority. The Legal Transformation and Operations (LTO) team, established in 2021, addresses cross-organisational challenges related to legal tech, organisational development, personal growth of team members, and operational optimisation.

A notable achievement in 2023 was the successful execution of the first attended virtual-only shareholders’ meeting. This marked a significant milestone in Japan, as only 14 companies have conducted such meetings. The experience gained from this first meeting led to substantial improvements in the subsequent meeting held in 2024.

In addition to managing confidential arbitration cases and supporting divestitures and restructuring, as EVP in charge of not only Legal and Compliance but Risk Management and Internal Audit, I am dedicated to enhancing the Risk Management System and Internal Audit department activities. This includes improving efficiency, effectiveness, and strengthening the overall internal control system across our entire corporate group with around 140 subsidiaries operating in more than 150 countries and sites.
What innovations have you made to the way your legal team works in the past year?

The Legal Dashboard and Legal Member Database were implemented to enhance transparency within Legal operations. The dashboard visualises key performance indicators (KPIs) including organisational structure, staff composition, outside counsel details, budget spending, and contract review volume. Data is continually updated and expanded, with access extanded to overseas subsidiary legal teams in 2023. This initiative improves visibility into Legal’s operational challenges and strategic initiatives, fostering data-driven decision-making and collaboration across the global legal team. Additionally, it was developed internally with minimal support from the IT team, making it cost-effective and enhancing the Legal team’s digital capabilities.
Based on your experience, what is the key to collaborating successfully with business partners?

In the legal field, avoiding self-imposed limitations is key to success. Actively participating in cases and collaborating across departments fosters appreciation and trust among colleagues. While common in globally operating companies, especially in the USA, this approach may require adaptation in Japanese companies due to their traditional emphasis on clearly defined roles. 
Upon joining my current company, I encountered a legal department lacking resources to handle compliance programs or overseas investigations. When accounting irregularities arose at a Chinese subsidiary, I collaborated with multiple departments to investigate, manage communications, report to authorities, and implement preventive measures. This hands-on approach, uncommon in our previous legal department, showcased the value of legal professionals and fostered a collaborative environment. 
By breaking down traditional barriers and actively engaging with different departments, legal professionals can significantly contribute to a company’s success. This collaborative approach benefits both the individual and the organisation, fostering a sense of shared purpose and mutual trust. 
Key takeaways for legal professionals: 
• Avoid self-imposed limitations: Actively participate in cases and collaborate across departments. 
• Foster collaboration: Build strong relationships with colleagues across different areas. 
• Showcase legal capabilities: Demonstrate the value of legal expertise through hands-on involvement. 
• Embrace a broader role: Contribute to the company’s success beyond traditional legal boundaries. 
By adopting this approach, legal professionals can become trusted partners within the organisation, fostering a more cohesive and successful workplace. 

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