Steven Howard – GC Powerlist
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Japan 2024

Consumer products

Steven Howard

Legal director, Asia Pacific | Fiskars Group


Japan 2024

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Steven Howard

Legal director, Asia Pacific | Fiskars Group

What are the most significant cases or transactions that you have been involved in over the past year?

As my role is regional, the most significant work over the past year has been complying with China’s cross-border personal information transfer regime. Working with colleagues across several functions in China and Europe, we were able to obtain approval from the relevant privacy authority for the Fiskars’ China companies’ sharing of personal information with group companies outside of China even though no clear guidance had been provided by the authorities prior to the deadline. Another main focus has been integrating into the Fiskars Group the APAC operations of our recent acquisition, the Danish jewellery and homeware brand Georg Jensen, which is present in several markets in this region.

Based on your experience, what is the key to collaborating successfully with business partners?

Earning the trust of business colleagues and understanding their goals are key. It is important to let them know that Legal is here to help them achieve their goals whilst protecting the company, of course. Instead of just saying ‘no’, it is important to first work with colleagues to understand what they want to accomplish and find a way or explain why we should consider updating their goal.

Letting them know that Legal is here to help them achieve their goals (while protecting the company, of course)” to “It’s important to let them know that Legal is here to help them achieve their objectives while protecting the company” for clarity and a more formal tone.

Which political, economic or regulatory changes have impacted your work the most in the past year?  

Stricter privacy requirements in many jurisdictions have become increasingly prevalent. Keeping track of developments and updating business colleagues on requirements has been an important part of my role covering APAC markets. 
Are the effects of AI on the legal world overplayed, or underplayed? 

The effects of AI on the legal world really depend on one’s role. AI is but one tool and is to be used like any other tool: to assist rather than to do. AI can certainly make some routine tasks easier and allow legal professionals to focus on matters that require personal experience and knowledge, but it cannot be a replacement, especially when confidential and proprietary information is involved. 

Steven Howard - Japan 2023

Senior legal counsel, Asia Pacific | Fiskars Group

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Steven Howard

Senior legal counsel, Asia Pacific

Fiskars Group

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