Yutaka Hashimoto – GC Powerlist
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Japan 2024

Information technology

Yutaka Hashimoto

Chief risk management officer, general manager of legal and risk management department | freee


Japan 2024


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Yutaka Hashimoto

Chief risk management officer, general manager of legal and risk management department | freee

What are the most significant cases or transactions that you have been involved in over the past year?
Over the past year, the legal department has played a pivotal role in strengthening our company’s position, supporting its expansion, and ensuring compliance and efficiency across all operations.

We have expanded our legal team by bringing in experts in various fields, particularly in M&A and Intellectual Property (IP). Continuous professional development and training sessions have been conducted to keep the team abreast of the latest legal trends and regulatory changes.
We have also worked in the implementation of advanced legal technologies. This has improved our workflow efficiency and case tracking capabilities, ensuring our department operates with precision and agility. To support the fast-paced expansion, we streamlined our contract review process, reducing the turnaround time. This enabled other departments to execute deals and partnerships swiftly, maintaining the momentum of business growth.
Our legal team has been instrumental in negotiating and finalising numerous contracts for new products and services, which have significantly contributed to the company’s revenue growth. These contracts were meticulously reviewed to mitigate risks and ensure favorable terms for our company.
Additionally, we have established a protocol for promptly addressing any legal issues or disputes that arise, ensuring minimal disruption to the business operations.
Our department has successfully managed several mergers and acquisitions over the past year. These transactions were executed seamlessly, with thorough due diligence, precise contract drafting, and effective negotiation strategies, contributing to the strategic growth of the company. We have fortified our IP portfolio by securing multiple patents and trademarks, protecting the company’s innovations and brand identity. Our IP team has also been proactive in monitoring and enforcing our IP rights, preventing infringements, and safeguarding our competitive edge.
In summary, the legal department has been a cornerstone of the company’s recent success, providing robust support for business expansion and ensuring legal compliance across all operations. Our talented team, especially in M&A and IP, has demonstrated exceptional capability and efficiency, driving the company forward in a competitive market.

Based on your experience, what is the key to collaborating successfully with business partners?

The key to collaborating successfully with business partners revolves around three fundamental principles: Aiming for win-win situations, maintaining fairness, and ensuring risks are managed by those best equipped to handle them.
A successful collaboration is rooted in the mutual benefits of all parties involved. It is essential to approach negotiations and agreements with the mindset of creating value for everyone. This means understanding the goals and motivations of your business partners and finding ways to align them with your own objectives. By prioritising a win-win outcome, trust and long-term relationships are fostered, leading to more sustainable and productive partnerships.
Fairness is a cornerstone of any successful business relationship. It involves being transparent, honest, and equitable in all dealings. Fairness ensures that all parties feel respected and valued, which is crucial for maintaining a positive working relationship. This includes being upfront about expectations, honouring commitments, and addressing any concerns or issues promptly and openly. When partners perceive fairness, they are more likely to reciprocate, resulting in smoother and more effective collaborations.
Effective risk management is critical in any business partnership. It is important that risks are assumed by the party best positioned to manage them. This means not attempting to offload all risks onto your counterpart, but rather identifying which party has the expertise, resources, and capacity to handle specific risks. By allocating risks appropriately, you not only protect the partnership but also enhance its overall stability and resilience. This approach builds trust and demonstrates a commitment to shared success and mutual responsibility.

In conclusion, aiming for win-win situations, maintaining fairness, and appropriately managing risk are essential principles for successful collaboration with business partners. These practices foster trust, respect, and mutual benefit, laying the foundation for strong, enduring partnerships.
How do you motivate and manage the other members of your legal team well?
I focus on providing challenging opportunities tailored to each member’s growth and encouraging them to understand the relationship between their tasks and the company’s mission.
Growth comes from facing and overcoming challenges. I assess each team member’s strengths, weaknesses, and career aspirations, then assign tasks and projects that align with their development needs. By doing this, I ensure that every member is continually learning and expanding their skill set. This approach not only keeps the team engaged but also enhances their professional capabilities, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.
To instill a sense of purpose, I emphasise how each task contributes to the broader goals of the company. During team meetings and one-to-one discussions, I highlight the strategic importance of their work and how it aligns with our mission. This helps team members see the bigger picture and understand the value of their contributions, leading to increased motivation and a stronger sense of ownership. When team members feel that their work has a meaningful impact, they are more committed and driven to perform at their best.

By providing growth opportunities and connecting tasks to the company’s mission, I create a motivated, high-performing legal team dedicated to achieving our organisational goals.

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