Yutaka Miura – GC Powerlist
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Japan 2024


Yutaka Miura

Head of legal Japan | BNP Paribas Securities


Japan 2024


Recommended Individual

Yutaka Miura

Head of legal Japan | BNP Paribas Securities

Team size: Ten

What is the most important case or transaction you have been involved in during the past year?
Most of the work has been rooted around structured notes for distribution to retail investors. Legal team members have been actively working with the top management and the compliance department to adjust ourselves to regulatory developments in the structured notes area.

In your experience, what is the secret to successful collaboration with business partners?
Working and thinking hard to find solutions. I believe that it is about establishing and enhancing a foundation of trust with business partners.

If there are any topics related to business or other matters that you are focusing on, please let us know the reasons.

The main topics we are focusing on are ESG and sustainability. Legal professionals are capable of providing quality services based on ESG and sustainability-related knowledge, contributing to the transition of the world.

Do you think AI will have a significant impact on the legal world, or do you think it will have little impact on your work?
I am positive about the impact of AI in the legal area. AI will be a more powerful and critical tool to increase efficiency and productivity, which could help all legal professionals focus on value-added services.

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