Alexandre Druta – GC Powerlist
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Luxembourg 2024

Materials and mining

Alexandre Druta

Senior legal counsel | Nexa Resources


Luxembourg 2024

Recommended Individual

Alexandre Druta

Senior legal counsel | Nexa Resources


Alexandre Druta is senior legal counsel for the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg and United States of America at Nexa Resources. Alexandre is part of the legal and governance team of the company, under the management of Mr. Felipe Azevedo, overseen by Mrs. Renata Penna, general counsel and vice-president legal and governance.  Alexandre oversees several legal matters, including corporate, commercial, labour, securities regulation and data protection. He serves as a business partner to commercial, finance and operational teams, assisting deal development and providing legal solutions consistent with corporate goals and company policies. Alexandre joined Nexa Resources in 2021, holding previously a similar position into a Luxembourgish industrial company. Additionally, he has held legal roles at various other legal firms. Alexandre obtained his Master’s degree from Lorraine University, as well as CCDL from Ministry of Justice of Grand Duchy of Luxembourg.


First, can you please give us an idea of the sort of work your team has done recently (cases, transactions, projects, anything like that)?

Recently we have been focused on providing the Company business oriented and legally secured solutions considering  worldwide challenging economic and political environment.


What particular industry trends are you seeing in the legal sector in Luxembourg?

Increased complexity and technicity in the laws and regulations, in particular related to Environmental, Social, and Governance (upcoming environmental reporting initiatives).


What is a cause, business related or otherwise, that you care about, and why?

Render the law more accessible to the general public.  Major concern for all legal professionals, for in-house counsels the ultimate goal being not only to provide a sound legal advice, but also to make such solution accessible and understandable for the business partners.

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