Raul Felix Saul – GC Powerlist
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Mexico 2018

Energy and utilities

Raul Felix Saul

Legal director, ethics officer and corporate secretary Mexico | ENGIE


Mexico 2018


Recommended Individual

Raul Felix Saul

Legal director, ethics officer and corporate secretary Mexico | ENGIE

Raul Felix Saul - Mexico 2016

Legal director, ethics officer and corporate secretary Mexico | Engie

Raul Felix Saul worked at global law firm Baker & McKenzie for almost 10 years before moving in-house. His time at the firm included serving as a partner and climate...

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ENGIE’s presence in Mexico goes back almost 30 years and today, through its subsidiary ENGIE MaxiGas, has a vast portfolio for providing energy and gas services to the country. Among its staff of over 800 Mexican employees is the organisation’s leading legal professional Raul Felix Saul. He has served ENGIE’s local operations for over seven years and currently occupies the position of legal director, ethics officer and corporate secretary.

Saul continues to impress peers in the industry with his coverage of legal services related to the operation of ENGIE’s three transmission pipelines that stretch over 1,290 kilometres. He worked at global law firm Baker McKenzie for almost 10 years before moving in–house to take on his role at ENGIE. During his time at the firm he served as a partner and climate change and renewable energy coordinator, accumulating extensive knowledge of the energy sector and corporate law in the process.





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