Elisa Cornejo Mirabal – GC Powerlist
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Mexico 2023

Commercial and professional services

Elisa Cornejo Mirabal

General legal counsel | Iké Grupo Empresarial


Mexico 2023


Recommended Individual

Elisa Cornejo Mirabal

General legal counsel | Iké Grupo Empresarial

Team size: 11
Legal advisers: Creel, García-Cuéllar, Aiza y Enríquez Abogados Nader, Hayaux & Goebel Holland & Knight

Could you share an example of a time when you came up with an innovation that improved how your legal team works and did not come at a large expense?  

I consider myself a lawyer who continually seeks excellence in regard to meeting legal needs, internally providing the best advice to the company, and externally providing impeccable service to clients. For this, in addition to knowledge and expertise, I implemented a culture of providing timely responses and advice. To promote such a culture, it is essential to employ a combination of tools and methodologies. One strategic and remarkably effective initiative I enacted involved enhancing the legal team in two key ways. Firstly, optimising workflows to expedite analysis, advice, approvals, and signature processes, and secondly, integrating tools such as collaborative document editing. These led to notable enhancements in response speed and overall quality, as well as a significant increase in team productivity without substantial financial investment.

Can you foresee any key developments to the way general counsel work over the next five years?  

I foresee an increased adoption of legal technology, such as research platforms, document automation software and virtual collaboration tools, to streamline workflows and improve efficiency, as well as remote working and virtual collaboration, which could involve virtual meetings, document sharing platforms and remote court appearances, expanding the use of online dispute resolution, such as virtual mediation or arbitration. 

I also foresee an increased emphasis on data privacy, cybersecurity, environment, financial technology, and anti-money laundering regulations. It is important to keep up to date with these regulatory developments to be able to properly advise on compliance measures, and help organisations respond to breaches or incidents. All of this may lead general counsels to focus on alternative fee structures, which could involve more fixed fees, such as performance-based fees, or subscription-based legal services, and the expansion of in-house legal departments to reduce costs associated with external law firms.

How would you assess the impact of new technologies on the legal landscape in Mexico, and what measures would you propose to leverage these technologies while ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations?  

I believe that leveraging new technologies in Mexico is positive and part of an innovative global evolution in which our country should participate. The measures I propose to ensure compliance with laws and regulations in this area will be to assess the impact of new technologies, collaborate with regulators, legal and cross-sector technology companies, provide training and education, guarantee privacy and data security, address ethical considerations, explore regulatory updates, and finally, modify legal processes. In this way, technology and regulation can coexist harmoniously.

What is a cause, business-related or otherwise, you are passionate about, and why?  

I believe that having a greater cause is crucial for every human being, as it provides purpose to his or her life. In my case, pursuing that purpose gives meaning to my personal and professional life. There are a few major causes that I am passionate about comprising of environmental conservation, education and access to knowledge, human rights and social justice, poverty alleviation, and health and wellbeing. What really fuels my passion in these causes, is believing that if we really care and try to make things better, the entire world will be a better place.

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