Efraín  Tapia Córdova – GC Powerlist
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Mexico 2024


Efraín  Tapia Córdova

Global general counsel | Genomma Lab Internacional


Mexico 2024


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Efraín  Tapia Córdova

Global general counsel | Genomma Lab Internacional

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience? 

During periods of instability or crisis, it is essential to maintain a proactive legal strategy that aligns with the organisation’s overall objectives. In my role as Global General Counsel at Genomma Lab, I have implemented a holistic approach that involves early identification of risks and the implementation of preventive and reactive strategies. This includes constant and effective communication with all departments to ensure that legal decisions are made in the context of operational and business realities. Our legal strategy focuses on preventing and managing risks, ensuring that any action taken not only meets legal requirements but also supports business continuity and growth and is aligned with Genomma’s ESG strategy1. In times of crisis, the key is flexibility and the ability to adapt quickly, working closely with the executive team to develop solutions that protect Genomma’s interests while mitigating negative impacts. 


What are the main cases or transactions you have been involved in recently?  

Recently, I have been involved in several significant transactions and cases. These include the issuance of corporate unsecured debt on the Mexican Stock Exchange for 3.2 billion MXP under the tickers LAB 23 and LAB 23-2, and an asset-based loan for 100 million USD with the Inter-American Development Bank, as well as the International Finance Corporation’s first multi-currency / multi-jurisdiction loan for the pharmaceutical industry anywhere in the world for US$60mn. 


What strategies do you employ to ensure the successful digital transformation of a legal department while maintaining compliance with Mexico’s data protection laws?  

To ensure the successful digital transformation of the legal department while maintaining compliance with applicable data protection laws in Mexico, I employ several key strategies. First, I implemented advanced technologies such as CLM software (among others) that not only enhance operational efficiency but also comply with security and privacy standards. Second, we are currently exploring the integration of AI into our CLM and data management software, ensuring that any AI solution is fully compliant with applicable privacy and data security laws.  

Continuous training of the legal team on data protection and cybersecurity is essential to keep us updated with current regulations. Additionally, I developed clear internal policies and processes for data management, ensuring that all digital activities align with the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties. Collaboration with the IT department is also crucial to identify and mitigate potential security risks, ensuring that digital transformation practices are secure and legally compliant.  

How do you manage and motivate your legal team to ensure high performance and professional growth?   

Managing and motivating my legal team to ensure high performance and professional growth involves several strategies. I foster a collaborative and supportive work environment where each team member feels valued, motivated, independent and empowered. I set clear and measurable goals align with the Genomma’s business plans and objectives, providing constructive feedback and recognition for a job well done. Continuous training and professional development are fundamental pillars, offering opportunities for training and growth within Genomma. Additionally, I promote diversity and inclusion, ensuring that all team members have equal opportunities to develop and thrive in their roles. 


How can general counsel foster a corporate culture that supports ESG principles and compliance across all levels of the organisation?  

As general counsel, fostering a corporate culture that supports environmental, social, and governance (ESG) principles and compliance is essential for ensuring long-term sustainability and ethical business practices.  

To foster a culture that embraces ESG principles, it is crucial to start with a clear commitment from the top. Our leadership at Genomma Lab has publicly committed to sustainability and social responsibility, setting the tone for the entire organisation. We ensure that ESG principles are embedded in our corporate policies, business strategies, and day-to-day operations.  

One key strategy is to establish comprehensive ESG goals and metrics. At Genomma Lab, we have set ambitious targets for reducing our environmental footprint, enhancing social impact, and maintaining robust governance practices.   

Transparency and accountability are also critical components of fostering an ESG-focused culture. We regularly publish our ESG performance in our annual sustainability reports, which are publicly available. Genomma Lab is listed in several prestigious ESG indexes, such as the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI). These listings reflect our commitment to high ESG standards and provide stakeholders with confidence in our practices.  

As general counsel, I work closely with the board of directors and the sustainability department to ensure that ESG compliance is integrated into all aspects of our business. This includes monitoring regulatory changes and promoting ethical decision-making at all levels. We also engage with external stakeholders, including investors, customers and communities to align our ESG initiatives with their expectations and industry best practices. 

In summary, fostering a corporate culture that supports ESG principles requires a multifaceted approach that combines leadership commitment, clear goals, transparency, and collaboration. At Genomma Lab, we are proud of our achievements in this area and remain dedicated to advancing our ESG agenda for the benefit of our stakeholders and the broader community.

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