Gabriela Hernández Morgan – GC Powerlist
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Mexico 2024

Commercial and professional services

Gabriela Hernández Morgan

General counsel | Grupo Consupago


Mexico 2024

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Gabriela Hernández Morgan

General counsel | Grupo Consupago

Gabriela Hernández Morgan - Mexico 2022

Director jurídico y de cumplimiento | Consubanco Multiple Banking Institution

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Gabriela Hernández Morgan - Mexico 2016

Head legal counsel and compliance officer | Grupo Consupago

Gabriela Hernández Morgan has worked in Mexico’s banking sector for over 20 years. As one source says, ‘Gaby is a very thorough person and of very high integrity. In my...

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Gabriela Hernández Morgan - Mexico 2018

Legal and compliance director | Consubanco

Gabriela Hernández Morgan joined Consubanco in 2007, a retail bank that was just starting up at the time, to lead the in-house legal team, and oversee all legal aspects of...

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