Jorge Eduardo Rodríguez Arellano – GC Powerlist
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Mexico 2024


Jorge Eduardo Rodríguez Arellano

Executive director, legal | Banco JP Morgan


Mexico 2024

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Jorge Eduardo Rodríguez Arellano

Executive director, legal | Banco JP Morgan

Team size: eight 


How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience?   

During such periods, a careful approach must be taken, adopting a strategy to address the situation, focusing on (i) detecting the main risks for the firm; (ii) ensuring that the proper areas, including external advisors, participate to prepare the best response for each question; (iii) assigning specific tasks to the members of the legal team, in accordance with their own field of expertise.  

The connection and close communication with the different departments of the firm, including the general manager, sales, compliance, internal audit, technology, and risk, is essential to ensure that the legal strategy aligns with the broader business strategy.  


What strategies do you employ to ensure the successful digital transformation of a legal department while maintaining compliance with Mexico’s data protection laws?   

The JPM legal team maintains a close relationship with the local business information security officer, obtaining his prior approval before implementing a solution. For any question related to data privacy we obtain opinions form external counsel.   


How can general counsel foster a corporate culture that supports ESG principles and compliance across all levels of the organisation?   

ESG is acknowledged as matter of the utmost importance in JPM globally. Legal Mexico forms part of the ESG internal committees across the Latam region. Legal Mexico is duly qualified in ESG matters to provide sound advice to the lines of business.    


How do you prioritise diversity and inclusion within your legal department, and what initiatives have you implemented to foster a more inclusive and equitable work environment?   

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) is a sensitive issue for JPM globally. Legal Mexico observes the applicable policies while recruiting, developing and retaining talent. Legal Mexico is aware that a diverse and inclusive team performs better. We keep a safe and respectful environment that aims to provide comfort for a diverse team.   


How do you manage and motivate your legal team to ensure high performance and professional growth?   

A growth mindset is encouraged. We hold frequent meetings where every member of the team is encouraged to participate, share their challenges and propose solutions. Every opinion is taken into account. Continuous learning is supported. Currently, two members of the team are pursuing post graduate degrees funded by the firm.  


In your opinion, what are the main trends that are salient in your country currently (these can be legal, political, economy or business-based)?   

Firstly, the adoption of state-of-the-art technology tools such as Artificial Intelligence and digitalisation. Lawyers must learn how to benefit of these advancements.  

Secondly, the observance of DEI principles.  

Thirdly, keeping track of the legislative discussions taking place in Mexico.  


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