Raymundo Peredas Arenas – GC Powerlist
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Mexico 2024


Raymundo Peredas Arenas

Head of Litigation | Axa México


Mexico 2024


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Raymundo Peredas Arenas

Head of Litigation | Axa México

How do you approach managing legal aspects during periods of instability or crises, and how does your legal strategy align with the broader business strategy to ensure the organisation’s resilience? 

During periods of instability or crises, the management of legal aspects is crucial in ensuring the organisation’s resilience. We approach this by implementing a proactive and adaptive legal strategy that aligns with the broader business strategy. This involves close collaboration with key stakeholders to understand the specific needs, challenges and risks facing the organisation. By identifying potential legal implications early on, we can effectively mitigate risks and ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations.  


What are the main cases or transactions you have been involved in recently?  

Our legal team has been involved in several significant cases and transactions. These include complex litigation and successful negotiations with beneficial settlements for the business. Additionally, we have played a key role in advising the organisation on contract negotiations, investigations, antifraud, and business strategies. These efforts have contributed to the successful resolution of legal disputes and the advancement of the organisation’s strategic objectives.   

Currently, I am working on a revolutionary litigation aimed at motivating a positive change within the insurance market. This strategic litigation not only serves the interests of our organisation but also seeks to motivate meaningful reforms that will directly benefit insureds and enhance market competitiveness. Our goal is to influence regulatory frameworks for the implementation of new standards that will result in a substantial reduction of a key index. This reduction has the potential to revolutionise the industry, leading to more favorable premiums for insureds across specific portfolios.  


How do you manage and motivate your legal team to ensure high performance and professional growth?  

As a leader, I believe in attending a supportive and empowering work environment that motivates my team to achieve high performance and pursue professional growth. I prioritise open communication, regular feedback, and recognition of individual and collective achievements. By setting clear expectations and providing opportunities for skill development, I aim to inspire a sense of ownership and accountability within the team.   

To ensure high performance, I encourage a collaborative approach that leverages each team member’s strengths and expertise. I actively involve team members in decision-making processes, allowing them to contribute their insights and ideas. By promoting a culture of trust, I seek to empower my team to take ownership of their work and embrace challenges with confidence.     

In terms of professional growth, I support the career development of each team member. I work closely with each member to identify their professional goals and provide them with the necessary resources and opportunities for advancement. This may include access to relevant training programmes, and exposure to diverse legal matters to broaden their skill sets.  


What are the main trends that are salient in your country currently? 

Currently we are navigating a period of change in the political and legal landscape considering the constitutional reform proposed by President Lopez Obrador, which will reshape the dynamics of our interaction with the judiciary. As head of litigation, I am working on a litigation strategy driven by proactive and pragmatic solutions designed to safeguard our operations and mitigate potential disruptions caused by the reform, prioritising ADRs and technology, like AI. This proactive and strategic alignment underscores our commitment to ensuring the organisation’s resilience and ability to adapt to dynamic regulatory environments, ultimately supporting our long-term success in the Mexican market.  



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