AT&T México – GC Powerlist
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Mexico Teams 2017

AT&T México

| AT&T México


Mexico Teams 2017

Recommended Team

AT&T México


In 2015 Nextel was acquired by global telecoms company AT&T for $1.9bn. Following the acquisition, Antonio Garza, regulatory executive director and senior compliance leader, led the Mexican side of the deal which resulted in a successful buyout. Garza now holds a dual-role for the company in which he leads a team of 12 lawyers, economists and engineers and reports to the vice president and general counsel in the US. The legal function’s capacity has been upgraded to create a culture of service in which the legal team is fully engaged and sit with clients to create personalised practical solutions, leading them to becoming a “go-to” part of the company. The legal team has also spent time reinventing processes and creating innovative approaches to matters within the company, recently creating a tailored technology to improve efficiency throughout. This new technology captures agreements and sends alerts for automatic renewals – saving both time and money for the company. This is an example of the service, results and business-orientated culture that the team has fostered. AT&T has committed over $3bn toward improving networks, helping to bring the latest wireless and high-speed data technologies to Mexico. The new network will cover at least 100 million people by 2018, helping to drive further economic growth.

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