The Coca-Cola Company – GC Powerlist
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Mexico Teams 2017

Food, beverages and tobacco

The Coca-Cola Company

| The Coca-Cola Company


Mexico Teams 2017

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The Coca-Cola Company

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| The Coca-Cola Company Turkey, Caucasus and Central Asia

Covering Turkey and the Caucasus and Central Asia regions (TCCA), the regional legal team at global beverage producer Coca-Cola has remained a strategic business partner that provides high quality, timely...

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Coca-Cola has a large impact on the labour and commercial market in Mexico, having created 97,000 direct jobs and more than one million indirectly, while also being responsible for 1.4%...

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The Mexican legal team of The Coca-Cola Company, the world’s largest beverage corporation, is largely involved in supporting the operations of the country’s business unit and acts as a fundamental part of its leadership team. Coca-Cola has operated in Mexico for 88 years and is one of the country’s largest employers, generating more than 90,000 direct jobs and 800,000 indirect jobs. The legal team has played a supportive role during the company’s growth in the market and during its expansion into other products other than carbonated soft drinks. Some of the corporate law work the team has been involved in includes the acquisitions of Jugos del Valle, Mexico’s largest juice producer, PetStar, the world’s largest food-grade polyethylene terephthalate bottle-to-bottle recycling plant, and Santa Clara, a Mexican dairy firm. In 2014 The Coca-Cola Company and its bottling partners in Mexico announced a joint six year investment of $8.2bn at a ceremony commemorating the world’s largest food-grade polyethylene terephthalate bottle-to-bottle recycling plant. The legal team facilitated this project, consequently boosting the company’s infrastructure and production capacity in Mexico. The team possesses unparalleled knowledge in the area of environmentally sustainable technologies, becoming the legal force behind various social and community projects that promote well-being and physical fitness. One member of the team that warrants particular recognition is international trademark counsel Gonzalo Ruiz San Sebastián, who has worked for The Coca-Cola Company for 18 years – during this time he has gained significant experience and has received various industry awards.

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